Blog Archives


Buddhist concepts have made their way into a lot of the posts I’ve written here.  Over the past few months, I have written three posts dealing directly with Buddhism as the main topic.  I have ideas for several others, too.  I therefore decided that I need to have a dedicated index page for Buddhist topics.  Some articles will still be cross-indexed elsewhere, but this will be a one-stop-shop for specifically Buddhist topics.

The Heart Sutra

The Dhammapada

An Introduction to Zen Buddhism

Confessions of a Pseudo-Buddhist

Which Yana?


Church, Churches, and Church History: Index

Recently I’ve been posting on Apostolic Succession and church history in general.  I thought about putting those posts under “Religious Miscellany“; but those posts are more general in nature, and cover religions other than Christianity.  I decided it would be worthwhile to add a new index for such posts, which are more specifically about Christianity, the Church, and church history.  Therefore, though I’ve written quite a lot about religion here over the years, this will be my most focused and specific index on religious matters.  Enjoy!

Apostolic Succession

Interlude: Complicated Ecclesiastical Terminology

More Terminology:  Churches

Names, Revisited

When is a Sacrament not a Sacrament? Validity and Liceity

Wandering Bishops

Will the Real Apostolic Succession Please Stand Up? Recognition of Lineages

Long Distance Eucharist

Tamám Shud


That is, “It is finished.”

The final “Rubá’í of the Day” went up this past Sunday.  However, I’ve been working behind the scenes to get the index updated.  I completed this just a few minutes ago, and I therefore direct you to the index for the “Rubá’í of the Day” series.  From there you can find all seventy-five verses of Edward Fitzgerald’s translation of the Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám, and all five hundred of E. H. Whinfield’s version.

The “Rubá’í of the Day” series has been a labor of love for me, and I have greatly enjoyed posting it.  I hope you find it interesting and worthwhile, too; and if you have a taste for daily poetry, check out my ongoing “Daily Whitman” series, in which I’m publishing Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass in daily increments.  Farewell to Omar, greetings to Walt, and may you enjoy both!



I’ve ended up writing more essays on the Tao Te Ching than I’d originally intended over in the “Your Own Personal Canon” series.  Taoism has been an interest of mine for many years, and I may well return to Taoism even after I’ve finished the essays on the Tao Te Ching.  Thus, I thought it would be a good idea to set up yet another index in which to collect the Taoist essays–and here it is!

The Tao Te Ching

Taoism in Brief

Translating the Tao Te Ching

Translations of the Tao Te Ching:  What Not to Read

The Tao Te Ching:  My “Go-To” Translation





The other day I was looking for a movie I’d posted several months back.  To my consternation, I found that harder to do than I’d thought, though I did eventually find it.  If I, as the blog owner/administrator can’t find something just a few months back, I shudder for the readers!  Certainly I know what it’s like to find something interesting on a blog, decide to come back later to read or watch it, and then be unable to find it again later.  Therefore, I’ve decided to index the movies I have posted (and will continue to post) here at the Chequer-board.   This will enable readers to find movies they may have noted here and not watched at the time to find them again; and it will enable readers to browse what I’ve posted here.

There’s no perfect or elegant way to do this, so I’ll be setting up as follows, as the best compromise procedure:

1.  I’ll put the movies in tables of 100.  That will save space.Instead of doing an index post, as I’ve done with series, I’m adding a page, “Movies” (alongside the “Main”, “About”,  “Contact Me”,  and other tabbed pages) which will serve as the index.

2.  Alphabetizing would be too complicated, and would have to be redone after every new movie posted, so I’ll just do it chronologically–the first movie in the list will be the first posted, etc.

3.  I’ll give just the name of the movie, without the other stuff (“Movie Night”, etc.) that I have as the post title.  After each link, I’ll put one or two tags to give an idea of the type of movie.

4.  As the number increases, I’ll put in more tables.

5.  Occasionally a movie I post will disappear, since the YouTube account it’s associated with is closed, or the movie is taken down by the poster, etc.  When I notice this, I usually try to fix it by finding a link elsewhere.  For items that have been up for awhile I may not be aware of what’s happened.  Thus, if you go to see something and it’s gone, contact me and I’ll see what I can do, within the constraints of my schedule and of what I can find.

6.  Shorts and certain odds and ends I may not put in the index–e.g. the first episode of the Mahabharata which I copied from the Caravanserai.  Since that’s mostly to help people get to the appropriate YouTube channel, I’m not linking it here.  By and large, though, most of what I have posted will be here.  If a movie covered more than one post, I’ll give the links to all.

It will probably take awhile to get everything up to date, so be patient.  As to the format, there may be better ways to do this.  I’ll explore different avenues and may totally rework the index eventually.  In the meantime, I hope this is a help to finding movies you might like.  Enjoy!

Star Trek: Index

Star Trek Logo

I’m working on a multi-part review of Star Trek:  The Motion Picture.  I’ve put up two installments thus far, and will post at least two further (perhaps more).  I’ll be putting them under the “Reviews” section.  However, as a long-time fan of Star Trek in all its various iterations, particularly the original series (TOS), I may do more posts of a Trek-related nature now and then.  Thus, I’m putting up this index page for the continuing voyages of Trek writing, in which I’m also putting my earlier reviews of J. J. Abrams’s 2009 movie.  Live long and prosper!

Star Trek (reboot), Part 1:  How to Do It Pretty Much Right

Star Trek (reboot), Part 2:  How to Do It Pretty Much Right

In Keeping With the Star Trek Theme

Movie Review:  Star Trek:  The Motion Picture, Part 1–Pre-incarnation

Movie Review:  Star Trek:  The Motion Picture, Part 2–Synopsis

Movie Review:  Star Trek:  The Motion Picture, Part 3–Pretty Sounds and Colors!

Movie Review:  Star Trek:  The Motion Picture, Part 4–Script

Movie Review:  Star Trek:  The Motion Picture, Part 5–Cast

STTMP, Part 6:  A Few Words about Costumes (ugh!)

STTMP, Part 7:  Director

Star Trek or Star Wars?

Posts from the Caravanserai


Some Sufi Chants to End the Weekend

A Classical Affair:  An Evening With Stephen Frye (or a morning, in this case)

20th Century Poets I Don’t Hate

A Little Spiritual Levity

Are the Rich Evil?

The Universal vs. the Particular

Ethics, Apes, and Humanism

Resistance is Futile!

Language, Languages, and Education

The Mahabharata:  Episode 1

Universalism (What the Hell?!): Index

Once again, a sub-thread within my “Legends of the Fall” series has taken on a life of its own, to the extent of meriting its own index.  I don’t know how many more will end up here, but there are probably lots to come, either within “Legends of the Fall” or in this series outright.  Have a hell (or heaven, or none of the above) time reading these posts!

Legends of the Fall:  Reflections

Hell, Salafis, Philosophers, and Playing the Odds

Out of the Closet

A Helluva Post on the Rectification of Names

Excursus:  John Scottus Eriugena

To Hell in a Nice Handbasket

Interlude:  Questions, Objections, Issues

An Analysis of Universalism

Defining Terms and a Recap

Universalism, I Presume?

Damnation:  Inside, Outside, Upside Down

Universalism:  Summary (for now)

The parent series, “Legends of the Fall”, is going in a different direction, so the following addenda will be only in this index, though some may later cross back over.

If I Only Wanted To

The Divine Exception

Been a Long Time, Been a Long Time, Been an Aeviternal Time

Change My Mind (?)

Stubborn Highlanders

Sea Battles and What Will Be

The Divine Exception, Revisited

Simply Irresistible (or not?)

Some Preliminary Groundwork

Confucius and Socrates

More on Universalism–Compulsion vs. Choice

All Things Dull and Ugly

Choices and Consequences

The Mind is Like a Mirror Bright

I Want Your Love and I Want Your Revenge

Stubborn Highlanders Revisited, and Antinomies of Pure Reason

Arguments Against Universalism:  Missing the Point

On Anti-Universalist Arguments (reblogged from Opus Publicum)

Arguments Against Universalism: Justice Must Be Served, Part 1–Retribution

Arguments Against Universalism: Justice Must Be Served, Part 2–Just Desserts

Arguments Against Universalism: Justice Must Be Served, Part3–An Eye for an Eye?

Arguments Against Universalism: Your Own Damn Fault, Part 1–Rules are Rules

Arguments Against Universalism: Your Own Damn Fault, Part 2–Better to Reign in Hell

Universalism: Scripture and Tradition

Excursus: The Beatific Vision

Universalism: Is It Coherent?

Universalism in Various Religions: The Abrahamic Faiths

Universalism in Various Religions: The Dharmic Faiths

Universalism in Various Religions: Miscellany

Heaven, Hell, and the Religions

The New Testament, translated by David Bentley Hart–a Review

Arguments Against Universalism: Missing the Point, Revisited

The Good, the True, and the Beautiful, and Why We Shouldn’t Misbehave

Scandal and Universalism

Arguments Against Universalism:  A Personal Encounter



Your Own Personal Canon: Index

This is a new series distinct from my series of book (and other media) reviews.  This series contains essays on books that changed my life, were or are important to me for various reasons, and that I still reflect upon.  The first (and eponymous) essay in the series sets the stage.  Future essays will deal with specific books.

Your Own Personal Canon

The Bible (which required an entire series by itself)

The Bhagavad Gītā

The Dhammapada

The Tao Te Ching

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

The Gospel of Thomas

The Alice Books

A Canticle for Leibowitz

An Introduction to Zen Buddhism

The Jungle Book

The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood


Infrastructure: Index


This is an ongoing concern of mine.  My training is in mathematics and physics, and I’ve always been around engineers and techie types.  Given that, it truly appalls me how little most people understand and appreciate the issues involved with infrastructure.  This is especially so in light of our aging infrastructure, which is much more fragile than most people think.  I had a couple of infrastructure-related posts here, and I just posted a couple of other infrastructure essays from a few years ago.  I figured there are enough to deserve a category index, especially since I may return to the topic now and then.

The Mysterious World of Infrastructure

Internet Make Big Magic!

The Matrix of Infrastructure